El teatro, la danza, el cuerpo en tensión con los conflictos internos y externos, donde el gesto, la expresión, la mirada, la respiración agitada, se convierten en medio de expresión cuando las palabras no alcanzan para narrar lo sucedido.
Nuestro cuerpo es herramienta, superficie, material de estudio que nos conecta con lo ancestral, con lo animal, con la tierra y con el cosmos, buscando nuestros límites, nuestros miedos, en un ritual que nos enfrenta con nosotros mismos, convirtiéndose en espejo de un mundo que tiene algo de absurdo y de hermoso a la vez.
Aquí no estamos hablando de luchas por la sociedad, o por el individuo, acá no se está hablando con palabras, se está sintiendo, se está experimentando, se intenta desdoblar la imagen para que podamos percibir otras realidades, otras formas de ver, de sentir y de coexistir.
Theater, dance, body expression, the body in tension with internal and external conflicts, where the gesture, the expression, the look, the agitated breathing, become a means of expression when the words they can
not tell what happened.
Our body is a tool, surface, study material that connects us with the ancestral, with the animal, with the earth and with the cosmos, looking for our limits, our fears, in a ritual that confronts us, becoming a mirror of a world that has something absurd and beautiful at the same time.
Here we are not talking about struggles for society, or for the individual, here you are not talking with words, you are feeling, you are experiencing, you are trying to unfold the image so that we can perceive other realities, other ways of seeing, of feeling and to coexist.
Nicolás Ordóñez – Colombia - Nicolás Ordóñez in the lonely bathroom
Urban Intervention/Intervención Urbana
Felipe BittencourtBrasil- CRITTER
Performance Video/Video Performance
Mario Orbes – Colombia - Dislocaciones
Performance Video/Video Performance
Angelina Voskopoulou – Greece - Exogenesis part 3(the seed)
Performance Video/Video Performance
Carlos Restrepo Colombia - Siempre vivo
Performance Video/Video Performance
Sushil Kumar India - Blind Fold
Performance Photo/Foto Performance
Johannes ChristopherGerard-Paises Bajos / Alemania - desplazamiento desorientado
Performance Video/Video Performance
Ana MaríaTarazona - Colombia - Mapas De Movimiento
Performance Video/Video Performance
Marina Barsey Janer – Puerto Rico - BORDER MOVEMENT
Performance Video/Video Performance
Natalie Mirêdia – Brasil - Desejos Macios
Performance Video/Video Performance
T Angel – Brazil - Paperdolls
Performance Photo/Foto Performance
Khalil CharifBrazil - Desvelamento do Corpo ("Unveiling of the Body")
Performance Video/Video Performance
Verônica Vaz Brasil - Bicycle Wheel Tattoo o V. en el Cubo Blanco1`
Performance Video/Video Performance
Verônica Vaz - Brasil - Art is a way os survival
Performance Photo/Foto Performance
Milena Olivella - Colombia - Más que un libro
Performance Video/Video Performance
Juan Bautista Santisteban– Argentina - Naub
Urban Intervention/Intervención Urbana
Jose Paulon Brazil - O kit mais te desagrada (The kit displease you the most)
Performance Photo/Foto Performance
Marcela Antunes Brasil - Tiamat
Performance Video/Video Performance
YeseniaTrobbiani Italy - Bagno o rifugio con finestra
Performance Video/Video Performance
Esneider Alfonso Gamboa Burbano Colombia - Tecno chaman-sumak kawsay